Subframe Lockbolt install:
6.) Chase the hole with a tap or a thread chasing tool. Make sure to spray WD-40 to lubricate the tool while using it in the threaded holes. If you live in any area that has winters a large of amount of dirty can collect in the threads.

7.) Clean out the threads with the bottle brush and test fit the subframe lockbolt fitment. If the subframe lockbolt doesn’t easily thread you’ll have to re-chase with a thread chaser.

8.) Use anti-seize on the lockbolt threads and then apply some grease to the plastic adapter portion of the lockbolt.

9.) The subframe might need to be shifted around to align the threaded holes with the lockbolt. Often a pry-bar can be useful to move the subframe around.
10.) Once the lockbolt gets started it will for the most part find it’s own way as you tighten it down. Use a 10mm allen socket to do this.

11.) Install the lockbolt for the other same with the same steps as above.
12.) Make sure the bolts are only snug tight.