Driver side
The driver side is the same however once the fender is removed you will see a much larger wire bundle. Its held in by a plastic housing secured by two small bolts. Remove those bolts before you can install the fender brace.

Once your new fender brace is secured you will have to man handle that plastic wire housing back into place. Both bolts will go back into place with some force. The reason its difficult is because of the two brackets protruding out. Its going to bend the housing. Also don’t forget to put the lines back into the housing.
Now put both fenders back on and reattach your rally armor flaps (if you have them).
Secure your front bumper and don’t forget that black clip that attaches your bumper to your fender. I forgot mine the first time.
Throw back on your tires and remove your jacks.
Enjoy your rigid front end!