Limited Spoiler 07 STi install:
This is a step by step guide in installing the Limited Spoiler from a 07 STi.
Here is the limited spoiler, already painted to match the lid:
The part number is actually E7210FE900 and the kit cost $221 shipped at the time of purchase, but prices may have changed.

1.)From the factory this fitting is already installed in the center of the spoiler, if you bought it unpainted, remove this BEFORE you get your spoiler painted. It just makes it easier. I simply cut the nipple off so that nothing is protruding from the bottom of the spoiler. You can also use the nipple and cut a hole in your trunk.

2.) The 3M tape you want to use looks like this, I picked it up at the local auto parts/auto body shop. You can see the part number in the picture. It costs around $15 and you will have enough for two or more installations.

You can buy the 3M Tape here:
3M(TM) Automotive Acrylic Plus Attachment Tape 06384, Black, 1/2 In X 5 Yds, 45 mil [PRICE is per ROLL]