WRX/STi rear wheel stud replacement:
Careful cleaning of the threads/lugnuts and using hand tools (AKA NOT an impact gun!) will help prolong the life of your studs. When the day comes though, here’s how to replace the studs in the rear with stock length studs. If you want to replace them with longer length studs (ARP, etc.) you will have to pull the hub entirely and buy new wheel bearings.
Subaru 28365FE001 Wheel Stud
ARP 1007716 Wheel Stud Kit for Subaru
Things you will need:
Stock length wheel studs (As Required): NAPA has these for ~$3 a piece. Part # 641-3209
M8x1.25 bolts (2): Home Depot Racing
M8 washers (~6): Home Depot Racing
19mm Socket: Lugnuts
14mm Socket: Caliper bolts
12mm Wrench: ABS Sensor bolt
7mm Allen Key: M8x1.25 bolts
5mm Allen Key: ABS Ring bolts
Hammer: of the BFH variety, for beating on studs that have misbehaved
Telescoping Magnet Tool: Optional, but will make life much easier.

Sticking the new studs in the freezer will cause them to shrink slightly and really help you when it comes time to seat them in the hub. Throw them in the freezer before heading out to Home Depot Racing or leave ’em in overnight, just make sure those puppies are ice cold. Leave them in the freezer until you are actually ready to use them.