Bushings Install:
4.) Remove the 4 14mm bolts on the drivers side bushing bracket. Once the bolts are removed, slide the metal bracket past the power steering lines being careful not to damage them.

5.) These are the bushings (circled in red) that we’re going to extract with the whiteline supplied tool and replace on the drivers side.

6.) Remove the 2 14mm bolts on the passenger side bushing bracket. Once removed slide the bracket out being careful not to damage the powersteering lines. You might have to use a flathead screwdriver to pry the metal bracket away from the bushing initially.

7.) Directly above the drivers side axle shaft you will see the steering shaft couplings. On the lower coupling, use your marker and make vertical and horizontal reference lines so that if the spine comes completely out, you can get it back in the exact position. Loosen the 12mm bolt on the lower coupling circled in red, and carefully try to lower the steering rack an inch or so. You might have to wiggle and finesse the rack down, just be very careful.