Limited Spoiler 07 STi install:
3.) CLEAN the bottom of the spoiler with a wax/oil remover or alcohol Once it is clean, carefully apply the tape along the raised edge. You don’t have to get very close to the edge. Apply it then cut the edges when you get there. Continue until you cover all the areas. Now there is an area that contains a water tunnel. It is on both sides of the spoiler where the trunk raises up. You can see the channel on the spoiler. Use an xacto knife to cut the 3M and remove it. You can also opt to skip this area when you initially put the tape on.

4.) Test fit the wing a few times and get a feel for where it will sit. You can feel where it contours to the trunk lid. You can place a few pieces of masking tape to help you know far forward, left and right, it will sit. This will help you when you for when you install it. Okay, now clean your trunk lid in the same manner as the spoiler. Ensure it is clean and wax/oil free.
5.) Now peel off all of the red guard from the 3M tape and install your spoiler. Take your time and get it right. Make sure to press firmly once you have it on and hold pressure for about 5 minutes. Now step back and enjoy your spoiler.

Note: DO NOT wash your car for a least a week after installing. Wash and dry it before the install then live without a wash for at least a week. For those with newly painted trunk lids. DO NOT apply it so soon after the painting is complete. Dry paint does not mean fully cured. Give it about a month, this way if you do ever remove it you will not have a indent in your paint.
Note: Let the tape and the trunk lid get nice and warm in the sun before putting the spoiler on. That 3M tape will last forever if it is warm before applying. Use a hair dryer if you have to. If it is cold you will not get a long lasting durable stick.