How to replace a Clutch for a GD Subaru:
This procedure was performed on a MY04 STi with some modifications which may or may not be relevant for the purposes of this How-To. This procedure is only ONE way of removing the transmission and is not meant to be the be-all method. This is a DIY on your driveway process only. If you have access to a lift, this would be the preferred and safest method.
Perform this procedure AT YOUR OWN RISK.

This procedure allows you to remove the transmission from a Subaru STI for the purpose of gaining access to the clutch and flywheel system for inspection and or replacement.
This procedure allows you to remove the transmission without the benefit of a lift and is meant as a DIY for the weekend warrior. This is by no means a simple or easy procedure and it requires a good deal of strength. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU HAVE A FRIEND THERE TO HELP. You will need a second pair of hands at times.