What’s that noise? My Subaru is so low that the axle is hitting the pinch welds?

So I have nothing against a nicely stanced Subaru put together with quality parts. However, when your Subaru is so low that your axles are grinding into the body/frame of the Subaru we might have a problem.

I mean what’s the worst that can happen? Maybe the axle grinds in half and snaps while driving down the road and you have an accident. Hopefully yourself or no one else is injured

Subaru wood trunk

That’s right someone has the bright idea to have put wood paneling to replace the trunk carpet in their subaru. I’m sure that crappy sub-woofer and that wood will definitely make the bass on Lil John’s latest track just sound great.


We can only hope that both the wood paneling and the sub-woofer are tied down well. But I’m betting neither are.

Don’t wet sand a carbon fiber hood.

This guy had a bright idea of trying to sand his carbon fiber hood on his Subaru. Body work should sometimes be left to a professional.  Especially if you want to wet sand carbon fiber. It’s extremely dangerous if you don’t wear the proper PPE. All of the small particles can cause extensive damage to your lungs.


With these cheaper carbon fiber hoods once the clear coat is this damaged and down to the carbon fiber it’s safer for your health to have a professional look it to determine if it’s salvageable or not.[amazon template=image&asin=Subaru][amazon template=image&asin=subaruidiots-20]

Your Subaru Impreza is rotted out.

Sometimes it’s better to let a Subaru chassis go, then trying to repair it.

Just throwing fiberglass over this won’t fix anything. The rear quarter panel is just going to continue to rot. All of the rust will have to be cut out and new metal put in it’s place.